Series Details:

Our Donor Conception Connection Series is a four week mini-series designed for recipient parents via donor conception and their partner or support person (who have pursued donor egg, donor sperm or donor embryo). This program focuses on the journey to find and connect with your child’s genetic connections, which includes ‘anonymous’ donors and/or same-donor siblings. This series is facilitated by an Infertility Unfiltered leader, in conjunction with important guest speakers in the community to help guide you on your journey to find and connect with genetic connections.

Upcoming Class Dates:


5:30-7:00pm PST / 8:30-10:00pm EST

4 Week Series Cost: $150
only $37.50/session

Maximum 20 women in each group. Fifteen attendee minimum.
Partners and Support people included at no extra cost

For an additional $49, get lifetime access to our Community Membership

Topics Covered


A DC Parent Community

Connect with other recipient parents on the journey to find genetic connections alongside you. This is such a unique path to walk, and is important that you are surrounded by people who understand and can support you.

The Importance of Genetic Connections

In this session we will discuss how important genetic connections can be for you and your child, how to start talking to your child/children about them, the language to use and when/how to start making introductions (if at all possible).

Connecting with Your Donor

Whether you are just thinking about starting to search for an anonymous donor, or have already found them and haven’t had the courage to reach out yet, or have connected but not sure how to navigate the relationship moving forward, this session will provide you with some options and strategies to do all of the above.

Connecting with Same Donor Siblings

We want to help you build confidence in your options to find and connect with same donor siblings. This can be a really scary part of the process that many of us don’t even think about until our children are here. This session will address challenges and benefits, while highlighting some unique personal experiences.


Guest Speakers

Victoria Niño

Victoria Niño

Series Leader, Mother via Egg Donation

Sheila Madden

Parent via Egg Donation

Kara Baldwin

Former Egg Donor

Joni Mantell, LCSW

Licensed Social Worker and Donor Conceived Person

Liz Miles

Parent via Egg Donation

Dylan Stone-Miller

Former Sperm Donor and Founder of DCP Data

Theresa Olschan, LMSW

Licensed Social Worker and Donor Conceived Person

Laura Runnels 

Parent via Sperm Donation

Laura Olmsted

Executive Director - DNAngels.Org