Journey To Motherhood Series

Our Journey to Motherhood Series is a six week series designed specifically for women experiencing infertility who do not currently have any living children. Whether you have been diagnosed with primary infertility, had recurrent pregnancy loss, suffered a stillbirth, are considering surrogacy or adoption, or simply find yourself struggling while trying to conceive, this series provides a safe and solid support system, educational insights from experts in the field, & tools to get you through your journey. From survival to celebration, and everything in between.

Journey To Motherhood Series

Series Details

Once a week virtual Zoom sessions for 1.5 hours


Upcoming Dates

9/26/24 - 10/21/24

(Monday nights)

5:30pm - 7:00pm PST


Purchase Options

Virtual Series + Membership

Virtual Series Only


(includes lifetime access to our Community Membership)


(does not include Community Membership access)

from $165.00
Series Option:

Maximum 15 women in each group. Ten attendee minimum.

Erin Thomas

-Erin Thomas

“I came to Infertility Unfiltered broken and lost. What I found was a community of women going through the exact same stages. I also learned from women going through other new stages I had yet to experience. Through the strength of these women I found my own peace of mind that I swear was key to helping me successfully carry a full term baby girl to earth side. Now 3 years later I’m still drawing from the lessons learned. I found my community in the most perfect of timing and still stay connected with the women from my class.”

Lauren Hunter

-Lauren Hunter

I felt so isolated in our ivf journey even with supportive friends and family I didn't have anyone in my life who had experienced infertility to talk to. When I found Infertility Unfiltered I found a support group with other women on their own journeys. Now years later they are my best mom friends.


Although infertility is something I wish no one has to ever experience, I found such a sense of belonging in my online support group. In the thick of hopelessness, loneliness and anxiety - I met (virtually) women all over the country who I felt an instant connection and bond with. It is hard to understand what infertility feels like but with my group, I found support, love and people who would hope for me when I felt like I ran out of hope. I am forever grateful and thankful for my girls.

Topics Covered

An Infertility Sisterhood

Connect with other women who are struggling with infertility - your new friends you didn’t know how bad you needed! The journey to motherhood when you are infertile can be overwhelming, and is important that you are surrounded by people who understand what you are going through and can support you. We can’t wait to (virtually) wrap our arms around you!

Grief +Trauma

Coping with the grief of infertility is a topic that’s not widely acknowledged by society, which makes our loss even harder. This is your safe place to let it all out, get your feelings validated and learn coping skills to work through your emotions.

Infertility & Your Partner

Intimate relationships can be hard on their own. When you add infertility into the mix the strain can be overwhelming. Dealing with the mental, physical, emotional, financial (and more) toll of infertility can have major impacts on the relationship with your partner or spouse. We’ll tackle this difficult topic together to help preserve one of your most important connections.

Q&A with Fertility Doctors

Get all of your questions answered by a Reproductive Endocrinologist and a Doctor of Chinese Medicine and learn new techniques and tips to help you increase your odds at conceiving. Not looking to conceive right now? That’s okay too, we’ll address your overall health as well.

Navigating Family & Friendships

We all have people in our lives that just might not get it. Maybe it’s an insensitive family member or a friend that isn’t sure how to best support you. Infertility impacts all of our relationships in profound ways. We will help guide you through these challenges with the help of an LMFT who specializes in infertility.

Manifesting Motherhood

Hope is essential. So is knowing how to care for ourselves during this journey. In our final session we’ll practice some meditation and mindfulness, providing you a framework to better take care of you as we manifest our motherhood goals and leave feeling more supported, hopeful and ready to take on our journey in a new light.

Guest Speakers

Ali Wiesler

Ali Wiesler

Group Instructor

Dr. Bana Kashani

Reproductive Endocrinologist

Amber Molnar

LMFT & Mother after Inftertility

Dr. Tina Yang

Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

Sonia Ribas

Fertility & Health Coach